Posts tagged internship

Starting my internship and class is rolling

I have finished my first week at my internship and turned in my first project for class. My internship could not be any better. I am interning at XM Radio in their sports department. The first week was mostly learning. I have learned how to use their software and all of that and then what specifically I am supposed to do. I work in the newsroom where I cut interviews of sports players and coaches for sound bytes and then from time to time I’ll cut baseball games for highlights, all audio stuff since it is radio. Wednesday I did the Twins game and Thursday I helped cut the interviews of all 12 of the NASCAR drivers in the Cup chase. That day I spent my morning sitting in the NASCAR studio watching the producers work and do their show. That was very interesting.

Our first project for class was due this morning and we screened them today. Two weeks ago we were paired up and told to do a 3 minute video in the pairs and then 300 words individually on whatever we wanted. Me and my partner chose the Vietnam Memorial. We did a very good job in my opinion. My 300 words are in the Works page of the blog and i hope to be able to get the video in there soon, I’m having a little trouble with it. Please go check them out and let me know what you think. They took a lot of work and I would appreciate your feed back so I know what to work on for my next project.

courtesy of Neal Goodson

courtesy of Neal Goodson

Tuesday in class we watched All the Presidents Men (the movie about Watergate, which I live 2 blocks from) and then had a Nixon speech writer who was in the White House at the time it all unfolded come tell us about it. Really cool. Today we went and met the Deputy Bureau Chief at the Wall Street Journal in Washington DC and talked to him for a good time and received a tour of the office and newsroom. This afternoon we went over to The Georgetowner, a small publication that tailors to a neighborhood in DC and talked to their owner, editor, and an employee who used to be in our program. The stark difference in the two publications was great, and you would be surprised about which one of the publications knew their audience and knew what they were doing more and were in total more excited about producing their publication

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