
Here are links to my published journalistic work:

Local photographer’s breast cancer calendar raises money for the cause

Semester in Washington Journalism Program:

Here are the video projects I did for class while in my internship program in Washington DC. Click on the title above each video for the accompanying short texts part of each project. (The text for Three Sides of DC is just my side because the three of us each chose to write on our chosen side.)

Project 1

The Wall

Project 2

Three Sides of DC

Project 3

Defining Neal

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Tena Porter said,

    Good job, Neal! The video was very moving & the story was great. I’m really looking forward to seeing the wall again in a few weeks. I can’t wait to see your next project! Take care of yourself & learn, learn, learn. I’ll be recommending your video to folks at work & church.

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